September 21, 2009


That's how many days of school left. EVER. How sad yet exciting. A time I am both waiting for and dreading. Waiting to FINALLY be free of the constitution known as SCHOOL. But dreading the fact that it marks the HSC around the corner.
That also means GRADUATION is soon! Preperations for the two ceremonies are on the way. Speaches have been, or still need to be written. Slideshow completed and MUSIC PERFORMANCES to organise. What is being performed by our lovely music class is still someone in discussion. We need more songs to add to our medley. So far we have two, we need at least one more. Preferably a slower song with SWAMING harmonies! So if anyone has a suggestion please leave a comment. THANK YOU.
I'm going to CRY, I know it. Because I'm just the type to cry. So whoever is sitting next to me BEWARE! Anyway, post grad things are also being organised. A party, a suprise, a trip to the city, a musical. I really should try and fit STUDY in there somewhere... haha
Well I shall be off to finish sewing the last bits of my school skirt turned shorts so that I can wear them tomorrow along with my blue junior shirt. Special initiative by us AWESOME year 12 students for the fun of it. Wow it has almost been a week since my last blog (random observation). I think my posts are beginning to become a weekly thing.
Anyway, till next time.



  1. ur the type to cry?
    tbh would never have thought it.

  2. really? all the girls think that i will cry the most. haha
