June 9, 2014

I am BACK (again)

Hello internet!

I am back! Semester is over and I can get back to blogging again. Apologies. Anyway, what have I been up to you ask?!

Since my last post I have been making things, traveling and studying and making and PROCRASTINATING (what's new?). But more specifically, my stall at the Parra Lanes festival went pretty well.

My jars were also stocked at the Prospector Store over Christmas and the past summer.

They were also featured in the Christmas window display at Sweet Street Bakery in Parramatta.

I have traveled to the Philippines to visit family plus a few side trips to Melbourne and the Gold Coast (theme parks, YEAH!). Also, did a massive research paper at uni among other cool projects and got a job at the 3D Printing Studio!
the least fun you'll ever have, all 135 pages of it
So that's a the last 6 months in a nutshell. I hopefully will be writing up a post about the Etsy Craft Party I attended on Friday and another on some plans for my winter break, which includes lots of crafting and making and experimental designing. Not to mention more The Jolly Cottage things!

I'm excited!

Till next time, stay cool.

- Julie

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